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- Zephyrhills
- Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc
- Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc
is located at 7027 East Stage Coach Trail Floral City, FL. 34436 and can be contacted by calling 352-726-3883. Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Transitional Living Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Alcohol Abuse, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis
Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- In the past three years, the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento saw a 30 percent increase in children between 12 and 17 checking into the ER with injuries from binge drinking, with higher blood alcohol levels than in the past.
- In the U.S., more than 40% of those who start drinking at age 14 or younger become alcoholic.
- Consuming alcohol to cope with negative feelings is a good predictor of heavy drinking as well as drinking problems in 19- to 25-year-olds.
- Studies suggest that adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence may prove to be more damaging than alcoholism in adulthood, as it kills brain cells in the hippocampus, blocking brain receptors that form memories.
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