Treatment Centers by City
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- New Smyrna Beach
- Ocklawaha
- Orange City
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- Tarpon Springs
- Thonotosassa
- Titusville
- Trenton
- Umatilla
- Venice
- Wimauma
- Winter Springs
- Zephyrhills
- Childrens Home Society
- Childrens Home Society
is located at 1801 Miccosukee Commons Drive Tallahassee, FL. 32308 and can be contacted by calling 850-219-4217. Childrens Home Society offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Spanish Speaking
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid
- Contact Us
- Joseph Hazelwood, who was the captain that was responsible for the crash of the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled over 11 million barrels of crude oil, was reported to be drinking at the time of the crash which caused devastation to the environment that is still being felt today.
- During 2008, almost 1,500 college aged students that were between 18-24 years old died from alcohol related injuries, according to the most recently available government statistics.
- A child born with FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) is usually small or premature with a smaller skull, eyes, upper lip, and nose.
- The main difference between alcoholism (pathological alcohol dependence) and willful alcohol abuse is whether a person can stop drinking at will; if they cannot, then there is "impaired control" over their alcohol use, which is the primary indicator of an alcohol addiction.
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